Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

William's nursery

I know it probably seems a bit premature to be planning these things, especially considering that I have 5 months to go (I can barely tolerate that thought), but now that I know who my little William is (the love grows exponentially when the baby finally has an identity!!!), I can't wait to get started on collecting all the things he'll need in his babyhood!

We couldn't resist. We registered at Target the other night. We searched the Internet for a couple hours on Monday, figuring out what our mutual taste would be for our son's room decor (we are both opinionated people, so it took us a couple hours!). We finally decided on this jungle animals theme. Note: I'm not the most theme-y girl in the world decor-wise, but I loved the smiling faces on these animals and could just imagine making a little lion roar playfully at Will and getting him to giggle...needless to say, after that image, I was sold! We're still debating whether to paint the walls a sunny yellow or a leafy jungle green color...although I think we're leaning toward sunny yellow. Marty loves the khaki and chocolate brown colors especially, while I love the fun oranges and yellows and the accents of blue and green. It's masculine without being in-your-face BLUE!

So anyway, we registered for this set called Tiddliwinks Jungle Friends. It's so cute and affordable, and as I'm told by knowing friends, it better be affordable because it would make me ill to subject expensive bedding to the repeated washings I'm told I'll have to do, especially with a wee boy! It was incredible fun to watch my husband coo (forgive me, honey) over baby socks. He even stole the scanner for a bit to zap some items of his choosing, including a pair of high-top infant tennishoes with lions embroidered on them.

I do need help on something, though...aforementioned knowing friends have told me not to use the quilt that comes with the set for actually bedding down the baby in his crib, but to use it for tummy time or decoration purposes. I'm thinking I'd like to do the latter, but I need to find one of those quilt hangers, and more specifically, one that's designed for the size of a baby quilt. Does anyone know where I can find such a thing? I would also welcome any other suggestions on how to accent William's nursery without buying every little item in the crib set (for example, I don't need the hamper in the set, nor the wall hangings necessarily). I'd like to do something decorative with William's name or monogram, and maybe also something literary (Jungle Book?). Like I said, I'd love suggestions!


Peanut Buttered Mom said...

Hello Becky!

I am a brand-new blogger and I wandered to your blog from Kelly's Korner. Anyway I wanted to let you know that I had the same question with my son's baby quilt. I ended up sewing three small plastic rings across the top of the quilt (on the back so no one could see them.) The rings were about the size of a quarter and I found them in Joann fabrics. Then, I just put three nails in the wall and viola! No need to buy one of those clunky quilt hangers, which make a lot of holes in your wall.

Just an idea. Best wishes to you on your pregnancy!

Tonia said...

There are some great Vinyl clings online. You could do something with those. Or buy big wooden letters and spell his name (paint them of course) or just his initials. The letters are cheap. I can't remember where I found mine online.

Becky said...

Hey Tonia,
Any ideas on how to hang those letters? I've seen girl's letters hung with bows, but I can't do that my boy!

The Shabby Princess said...

I don't have any advice on that what to get for baby front, but, i LOVE the jungle theme. So cute!!

ei said...

Hi Becky-
For the quilt, we sewed on little strips of coordinating fabric and slid it onto a decorative wooden curtain rod. We already had the rod from a single window in one of our first homes and it just worked perfectly. That was the first time. We are using the same quilt on the wall in a totally different scheme this time and I just nailed it up there- looks great and is flat against the wall.
Also, on the question of the letters- I nailed them in Samuel's first bedroom(many come with hangers on the back), but it was such a pain. In this house, I put them up with tacky glue. Ha! It usually cleans up really well, so I'm not worried about the condition of the wall when we're ready to take them down. It would be much cheaper to find plain letters and do that (versus the letters that are made for hanging and start at $5+ per letter.)

One more thing- with the twins, I painted their names on the window shades-one per kid. Might be a thought for you, too. Free, because I used paint we already had.

The Mrs. said...

First of all it's never too early LOL!!! I did a safari room for landon, did 8x 10's on the wall of actual baby animals, lions and mommies, and baby elephants from our safari trip, but you can find ones on line I bet! Also we ordered bamboo giant rods to hang in the corners and hung stuffed monkeys on them. Also used one as a curtain rod! Then did a faux bamboo lamp, a dark wood rattan said table etc. It looks great! You can see pics of it on my blog. Look under the nursery category.