Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

and the pictures start rolling in...

I was so completely out of it here, I don't even remember this picture being taken. This was about an hour or two post C-section and I was finally hopped up on drugs (more on that to come). I do remember the sound of the nurse wheeling his bassinet into the room and my heart flurrying in excitement to get to hold William for the first time -- I had only a brief encounter with him in the operating room and that was from the weird upside-down angle at that!

The morning after, getting ready to exchange hospital duds for cute clothes from home. Will is so intent here on finding Daddy's face that he did the adorable cross-eyed thing that infants do and it breaks your heart with preciousness...

Mama is finally dressed again herself and fully enjoying the "turtle butt" that all my nieces and nephews did, and I was so delighted to see my own son do! By the way, see any resemblance between mother and son? I was born with the very same shock of coal black hair.

Aunt Katie's favorite picture -- Will's first full day at home, breaking in all his baby goodies, like his cushy swing. He wasn't jaundiced but we were told that Vitamin K (D?) would be good for him (and all babies), so some sunshine would be in order. Fortunately for us, he really liked both -- the sunshine and the swing -- and sacked out right away!

That's all for now -- birth story coming soon, I promise. (I'm honestly a bit hesitant to re-live that day except for the one bright spot in it!)


Unknown said...

Becky he is so precious! LOVE the photos!!

Kristen said...

Seriously - no one likes to relive the birth story, but it's your badge of honor. You made it through one of the toughest things we women do. Welcome to the club! Oh, I am not looking forward to doing that again. Ugh.

The Shabby Princess said...

He's so precious!!! Congratulations! The turtle butt is soooo cute! Ha :)

Anonymous said...

I love him!!! I stare at his picture on the fridge and miss him so much! Can't wait until you guys can come down!

Becky said...

He misses his Aunt Modey quite badly, too. He tells me so all the time. He had to get used to what life was like without Nanna, Pa-Pa, and Aunt Modey around all the time!

ashley said...

Aww he's so precious! Keep those pictures rolling! I can tell you are sooo happy, and that makes me happy too. Also I think we registered for that same swing! :-)