Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, September 18, 2008

pictures from Indiana wedding reception

Hopefully I'll get more in from various people, but for now, here are some good ones!
The bride and groom

My fabulous best friend Kate (Life in the Cooper House) with her hubby Dan and their cherub in my arms, Adele (they drove all the way from Michigan -- a 7-hour round-trip -- to surprise me and to meet my hubby and spend time with us; I hooped and hollered when I saw Kate's dark head appear in the doorway!!!)

Yes, more cake, Honey

My too-adorable nieces and nephews. I'm holding the birthday boy Elijah (his 2nd birthday was the day before this) and you can see I have to heft him, he's a chunky monkey! Notice also Ethan's smile; I smiled like that from ages 2-5, so it must be a family thing.


Kate said...

If only it was a 7-hour trip...with all the Ike weather, it turned out to be almost 9! Insane. But COMPLETELY worth it to see: you, the shocked look on your face, your new husband, and your darling family.

Becky said...

I hate driving in torrential rain. Good thing I'm cute and fun and your favorite person in the world. :)

Liz Harrell said...

What happy family and friends you have!