Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Indiana wants me, Round 2

As I type this, Marty is watching the preseason football game between the Colts and Eagles, and I have to confess, I'm not all that interested in preseason stuff -- it just doesn't count, you know? But when the game came on and Fox showed footage of Indy's downtown and our beautiful new football stadium (which we've toured!), I got more than a wee bit wistful and homesick for my hometown. I never knew how much I loved Indianapolis until I moved away. I have nothing against Tennessee, but it's just not home. And there's nothing like having a baby that makes a girl want HOME!

We hadn't planned on making another trip with Will until he was a little bit older, but we decided to take a different tack with things so I can have the benefit of going home without exhausting our little one. Marty and Will and I will be traveling up to Indy tomorrow, and then Marty will drive back to Tennessee on Sunday afternoon, leaving me and Will at my parents' for the week. Marty will then come back up next weekend to "retrieve his babies" (his words, isn't he a doll?). This way, Will only has to deal with a one-way trip in a weekend, and will get to rest up from it throughout the week. I won't have another chance to do this because my maternity leave is quickly running out -- I go back to work the first week of October. I can't believe how fast it's approaching! Although I am kinda looking forward to the mental stimulation of work...I think my brain is rotting on the steady diet of TV I feed it daily.

I'm so looking forward to my 9 days in Indiana. On Saturday we'll be attending my cousin Ben's wedding, and I'll get to see so many relatives I haven't seen in a long time, plus introduce Will to everyone! On Monday, my Kate is driving down with her Jack to spend time with me and Will, and I'm ecstatic at the opportunity to see my BF and meet her son for the first time. I'll also get to see Kristen and her pregnant belly! Haven't seen that in a long time! I also want to do mani's-pedi's with Ellen (call me, El!), spend TONS of time with my sisters, and of course, have quality time with my parents and let Will's Nana and Pa-Pa just soak up his sweetness for a good long while (and not be worrying about when we need to get back on the road!).

So, I'll probably be away from the blog world for that whole time, and I doubt I'll even get around to checking email, either. Once again, I owe everybody and his brother a reply message, and I'm hoping to get to those before we leave tomorrow. If I owe you a response, please be patient with me...and if you live in Indiana and want to see me, please get in touch!


Anonymous said...

Just be sure you leave next Thursday night open so you can come over and watch Project Runway with me!!!

Becky said...

Oh my stars, wasn't it so wonderful last night, to see Heidi and Tim in action again? And Michael Kors and Nina Garcia (I can't even type that name without saying it in my head in Heidi's ultra-cute German accent). I think it's a good "cast" this season! And I'm glad that Ari girl went home first -- she's such a space cadet.

Kristen said...

I'm so excited I could bust. Seeing you is just what I need. And meeting sweet William is icing on an already fabu cake!

Kate said...

I so hope Jack is better by Sunday!! The best-laid plans better work out, dang it. Have a safe drive up!

Unknown said...

You should so call me when you get into town! Nellianne and Will simply MUST meet! :)