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Monday, January 26, 2009

trying to focus

A coworker wrote me this morning and said, "Today just feels like a Monday. Blah." I wrote her back and said, "It's a Monday in January no less. Double-blah." The sky is gray and the landscape is bleak. I feel just as gray and bleak inside! I simply hate this time of year. My precious Dr. Records in Indiana diagnosed me many moons ago as having a moderate case of seasonal anxiety disorder and gave me some tips for dealing, but honestly, the only cure for SAD is straight-up sunshine. And there's precious little of it in east Tennessee right now. Sigh.

So I'm trying to focus on other things, at least for this moment in time. First of all, while my Marty and I were doing serious damage at Wal-Mart on Saturday, we passed the refrigerator of flowers and he just insisted on buying me a dozen pink-and-white tulips. God bless this man, for he knows me well. They have opened so prettily, and they are certainly cheering me today:

When I look at them, I ponder that only the marvelous Creator of the universe could have concocted that shade of green. It just breathes life into your eyes, doesn't it?

I'm also dreaming about the decorating I'm going to do in our apartment in Indiana when we get there...our master has a sink/vanity area in the bedroom, in addition to the sink/vanity in the bathroom. Guess who gets the former vanity??? And you better believe I'm going to girl-ify it and French-ify it within an inch of its life. Okay, that expression makes no sense in that context, but you get my drift. Anyway, we're doing our master bed and bath in shades of soft blue, ivory, sunshine yellow, and chocolate brown. In digging through items in the evil storage room, I found a couple of things that I'm ecstatic about using!

The little sign was given to me a few years ago by my BF, Kate. God bless her, for she knows me well. Little did she know how handy it would be a few years down the road! The jar I found a few months ago at TJ Maxx (my marked-down retail lover) for I think 7-8 dollars, and it had to be mine, of course, since it so merrily sports a fleur-de-lis.

In light of the mental nesting going on, I plucked this from my bookshelf for another flip-through:

Sadly, I can't remember for the life of me if Kate or Kristen gave this to me. Either one of you want to claim the gifting of it? In any case, I love this book. It's fun and full of good tips, as well as great quotes, and I can't resist posting some here:

"Adornment is never anything except a reflection of the heart." ~Coco Chanel

"Although I look like a drag queen's Christmas tree on the outside, I am at heart a simple country woman." ~Dolly Parton

"I'm obsessed with having the perfect linens. I sleep a lot. My bed's like a big hug." ~Reese Witherspoon

"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck." ~Emma Goldman

Aren't those great? Especially Reese's quote. Yes, we'd be BFFs if only she knew I existed. A woman who declares her love for sleep with such passion could only be a true kindred spirit of mine.

Before I go (and because I'm hungry and craving Spaghettio's -- I know, I know, YUCK -- but this baby hearts them so being the good mama I am, I shall appease her), I wanted to leave y'all with an amazing recipe that I tried last night and both of us loved, and it was ridiculously easy. So far, so good on keeping to meal planning and prep this week, yay for me!

Lasagna Toss

1 pound lean ground beef
2 green peppers, chopped
1 tsp. minced garlic*
1 jar spaghetti sauce**
1/4 cup Italian dressing
12 lasagna noodles, broken into quarters***
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese****
2 cups water

Saute green peppers in a bit of olive oil for 2-4 minutes; add ground beef and brown. Add garlic, spaghetti sauce, water, and dressing; bring to boil. Stir in noodles; reduce heat to medium-low and cover. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese; let stand 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.

*I used only a sprinkle or two of garlic salt because I was out of garlic, but the flavor was great as-is, so I don't know how much garlic I'd use. I guess it depends on how much you like garlic flavor.
**Please give Bertolli marinara with Burgundy wine a try. It's the best jar sauce I've ever had.
***Some of my lasagna noodles cracked into smaller pieces than this, but that's okay. It was good to have some bite-sized pieces and some pieces that required a cut.
****We used half a block of mozzarella cheese, I think it was 8 ounces! My husband really loves cheese, and it was so yummy with the extra. I guess use the recipe as a minimum, but add liberally as you wish!

One final note, I would love to hear what my readers like to focus on when the weather is so blah and there seems to be nothing to look forward to...


Kate said...

Tho' I'd love to, I can't claim that adorable gift. Then again, my memory isn't the most trustworthy so maybe it was me.

Anonymous said...

How can you not love winter? For me, there is nothing better than waking up in the morning, pulling back your curtains, and seeing snow on the rooftops of the houses across the way and the frozen pond below. And then snuggling under a blanket with some homework, the room flooded with artificial light. There is something so romantic about the bleakness of winter. Tragic love stories don't happen in sunshine. There has to be rain, wind, gray skies. The Bronte sisters knew best. Would Wuthering Heights be the same if the moors were a happy, cheery place? Would Jane Eyre be the same without the storm and the lightning striking the tree the night Rochester professes his love to Jane? Bleakness rocks!

Becky said...

Point taken, my dear Worm. You must acknowledge, though, that there's a significant difference between a bleak day and a violent thunderstorm (oh Charlotte Bronte, if only you'd lived long enough to give me another novel of Jane Eyre-caliber!). Give me the latter any day over this January dreariness! And only a true nerd, er, scholar, would love the image of cuddling up with homework!

The Shabby Princess said...

Thanks for the recipe.

OK, finally, someone else who doesn't love winter. I hate winter. Hate it. It's evil. I don't like being cold, I don't like not wearing open toed shoes, I don't like having to go to work in rain and snow. I just don't like it. Hmph.

I'm sorry you're having a January Monday. I'd recommend a good chick flick, some toe nail paintin' (in a bright pink no less) and a nice long nap. Chocolate can and should be involved in some way also.

Kate said...

p.s. I just read that Michigan clocked a total of 6 hours of sunshine from Jan. 1 until this past weekend. 6 hours in 24 days. Talk about depressing!

Sarah said...

That recipe sounds incredible! I am always on the lookout for new ones to try, and this is definitely going to be made soon.

As for solving my case of the blahs, my girlfriends and I are planning a weekend trip full of wine tasting, shopping, and mindless chatter. I need this desperately!!