Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, January 18, 2009

as promised...

15 weeks, 1 day pregnant

Sorry the lighting is not great, but I remembered to do this at night-time and I hate garish overhead lighting. Anyhoo. The next will be taken by the light of day! I've decided that I don't want to know if I'm showing/popped out too much for 15 weeks...I've been lectured by quite a few people who've told me this is my pregnancy and unique to me and to quit comparing already! Good advice that I intend to follow. And now that I actually see myself in this way, I've realized I seem to be carrying high. Oooh, what does this mean? For some reason, I love old wives' tales. If you are an old wife and you tell tales, do please share.


Anonymous said...

You are such a cute pregnant girl! And with the glow on your face, who needs lighting?! Thanks for sharing, Wormie. Please keep posting pictures.

Kate said...

You look so cute! Being healthy and happy is by far the most important thing. Little Baby Conway doesn't care about anything else!

The Mrs. said...

How cute are you!!!??