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Thursday, August 28, 2008

The ABCs of me

Have you ever compiled a list of favorites? I remember compiling an A to Z list of my sister's favorite things for her when she was about 11 or 12 years old (remember that Wormie? Note: for those other than my sister, please don't think I'm insulting her with that nickname; it comes from a time when Katie and I were standing next to each other in a church service singing along during a hymn, and for some reason, getting to the line of "...for such a worm as I..." struck us as absolutely hysterical and became a nickname for each other...but I digress!). Anyway, Katie stuck that list of A to Z favorites on her closet door, along with posters of figure skaters and such, and there it stayed for many years.

So I was thinking about a few of my favorite things lately and thought, how fun would it be to compile my own list, especially now that, as a 30-something adult, I know myself so well? I also thought it would be fun if my blogging friends (you know who you are!) would participate and compile their own lists?

Anyway, without further ado, here's a list off the top of my head! (I've decided to post what I have so far, and will finish my list when I can...)

A = antiques. I LOVE to go antiquing with my best friend Kate at Norma's, the huge shop not far from her house. I've been collecting vintage glassware there for years. However, I have rules about antiquing, the main one being: if I can't take it home and suds it up and soap it down and clean it behind the ears (so to speak), then it's not coming home with me.
B = baths! I've taken a nightly bath since...oh, I was a senior in high school? Well, every chance I can, that is. I should probably exercise better judgment in this area...I think I made rather a nuisance of myself one night when Kate and I were staying in England and I filled up the bathtub and (I think) kept the whole house awake because the pipes were so loud. Remember that, Kate? In Harpenden at Andy and Alicia's? Anyway, I like to take a 20- or 30-minute bath every night and read my book du jour. Another "b" favorite would have to be beauty products. Don't let me go near a Walgreen's with any spare money. It simply won't last.
C = chai tea. Leslie got me addicted to buying the jug of Tazo chai and mixing half a glass of it with half a glass of cold milk. Delicious! And I really can't mention chai without mentioning its far superior big brother, coffee. Oh coffee, my love...especially if you're a two-pump toffee nut latte with whip at Starbucks. Oh yes, Chantelle bras! Oui, oui, they are French! I usually get mine at Von Maur, and I know, they ain't cheap. But they are the nicest bras you will ever put on, and may I stress, it's very important to be measured and fitted properly. Oh, and crosswords. I like to do the daily one on And y'all already know my thing for chairs.
D = decorating. We're just getting started on putting a home together, but I can't wait to get some more cash built up so I can go all French country on our place!
E = England. I love nearly everything about England and often wonder why I wasn't born there. I love to read about her, especially anything from the 16th century, the Tudor era!
F = France.
G =
H =
I =
J = Jane Eyre. Truly the best novel ever written. In a former life, I once wrote blog post after blog post about this book, and I think they might be resurrected here on my new blog!
K = knitting. Even though I haven't knitted a thing in quite awhile (I've been busy being courted!), I have plans for the upcoming fall and winter. I think I shall knit scarves. Lots and lots of scarves... There's nothing like going into Jo-Ann Fabrics and looking at all the pretty skeins of yarn and imagining the lovely things you'll do with them!
L =
M = manicures and pedicures, or as I should say, "manis and pedis." I used to diligently paint my own fingernails and toenails, and then my friend Ellen went and got me completely addicted to having sweet little Korean girls do it for me. We used to go every other week (I miss you Ellen!!!) when I was still a Hoosier, but thankfully I've found a great little place here in JC, TN. Sadly, I usually go alone...sniff, sniff. I should also mention my love of mystery novels. Just read a real page-turner (Body in the Ivy) by my favorite mystery writer (well, second favorite; none can compare to the great Agatha Christie!), Katherine Hall Page.
N = nieces and nephews. Ethan, Ada, Abigail, and Elijah -- sweet babies -- may you be abundantly blessed for the joy and delight you bring into your auntie's life!!! I love you all so very, very much! (And don't tell your mama, but you could pretty much ask me for anything and I'd pretty much find a way to give it to you...)
O =
P = Project Runway. "In fashion, one day you're in, and the next, you're out."
Q =
R =
S = Shakespeare. Though I must be honest, I'm a HUGE Shakespeare revisionist. I'm also very much into Shutterfly these days. My goodness, what a great way to have fun with pictures! And I wouldn't be a full-fledged girlie-girl if I didn't admit my weakness for shoes. And my favorite season is spring.
T = Tori Spelling. Don't judge me. Honestly, this girl cracks me up! Oh yes, I read "sTori Telling," her autobiography. In less than 2 days. Okay, yes, I own the book. In hardback. I said don't judge me. Must also mention that I love theology (there, that redeems me, right?). Seriously, one of my and Marty's favorite things to do is debate and discuss theological points (it helps that he's been reading C.S. Lewis almost non-stop lately). One of our favorite new sites to read together is Answers in Genesis.
U =
V = Vincent Van Gogh. Yeah, he's my favorite of them all. (I'm sure my art-history-major sister might think that rather unoriginal of me, but well, he really is my favorite! I want "Almond Branches in Bloom" to hang above my couch one day...)
W = Williams-Sonoma. Marty and I have/had a wedding registry there and we are having an absolute blast finishing it up. We travel to Asheville, NC (the closest W-S store to us is there) a couple times a month, and every time we go, we bop into W-S to get more goodies!
X =
Y =
Z =


Kate said...

OF COURSE I completely forgot the extraordinarily loud running of the bathwater! Hysterical. Remember how Catherine pee-ed on me there?
Here are a few suggestions for your blank ones.

G: gummy candy.
H: History
I: intelligent conversations. You are not one for small talk. For which I praise and appreciate you.
L: London - the English city you spent the most time in - mostly pleasant, some unpleasant moments. Lime margaritas?
R: romance. Good, old-fashioned romance. Need I remember you of our secret society freshman year? And room service (KY)

Anonymous said...

You know what, Worm? I still have that list. I will never throw that away! It's such an accurate glimpse of what I was like at twelve years old. And it turns out that I had extremely good taste in boys. I'm probably the only girl in the world who adored Christian Bale in 1990, and look what a full-blown hottie (as Sarah likes to call him) he turned out to be! Of course, Zach from Saved by the Bell was on my list, too, so I'm not sure what that means. :) I'm trying to find that list right now - I always enjoy going back and reading notes from my family. In fact, I have come across one that you wrote me that I feel the need to share. And I quote: "Worm-of-the-Worm, Please bring me som Crow & King. I'm dying for some Doggies! :) I'll give you food! Please!?! -Wormy" Hilarious. Ooh, I just found something else I have to share. Apparently, we were really bored one day and started playing an alphabet game. We must have given ourselves a certain amount of time to come up with as many words as we could, A through Z, from certain movies. One of them was Jane Eyre, and the only thing more astonishing than you trying to use "bits of it" for "B" was the fact that I beat you, 51 to 34! Oh, wait - I found the list! Let's see if what you wrote is still on target for me. Pink - obviously. The Olympics - yes, still obsessed. Matlock, pumpkin pie, and pansies - check. Trivial Pursuit, Kenny Rogers, green grapes, winter, Star Wars - all still applicable. Gosh, I'm still such a nerd! Matlock? Seriously. The only thing that's drastically different is my affection for a certain Dallas football team. I was all about Emmitt Smith in the day, but now I'm all about Peyton. Way fun post, Worm. Look forward to reading what you have for the remaining letters. Love you!


Anonymous said...

P.S.: I hate to admit it myself, but I occasionally watch Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood on Oxygen. One day, there was a marathon, and I totally got sucked in. I couldn't help it! That scuba instructor was totally flirting with Dean, and I had to tune in to find out what happened! Pathetic, I know.

Anonymous said...

P.S.S.: Van Gogh is a great choice. He's one of my favorites, too. There's so much more to him than Starry Night, sunflowers, and cutting off part of his ear and giving it to a prostitute. He felt things deeply, which I think is both the source of his genius and his undoing. Sometimes, when I think about him, I wish I could go back in time, find him in a cafe somewhere, and just hold his hand.

Becky said...

Who better than to finish my list for me? Kate, I'm going to liberally use your suggestions here. And oh yes, I remember Catherine pee-ing on you...poor Alicia. I thought she would DIE of humiliation when her perfectly-potty-trained daughter decided your lap was just as good as the bathroom. (You did a great job of downplaying the fuss and muss of it all, by the way!) Oh my gosh, remember Magda, the au pair? With those brilliant sandwiches for the train ride?

Becky said...


You HAVE to know that I just laughed until tears were rolling down my cheeks at the "bits of it" part. Do you know I REMEMBER writing that on my list and tee-hee-ing at the time, doing it? I am STILL laughing. Gosh, can you imagine what it was like to be that bored? And good thing we didn't have cable as children...we were certainly hilarious people as a result!

Becky said...

Oh, and concerning Van Gogh...I love that song, "Starry, Starry Night" that Josh Groban sings. I get a tear for Vincent every time I hear it. Poor fella. I know what you mean about just wanting to hold his hand.

Amy Jane (Untangling Tales) said...

Found you from Sallie's blog.

Totally with you on Jane Eyre. Absolutely in my top-4.