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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I heart chairs

I don't know why, but I love chairs. Maybe it's the way they seem to beckon to a tired body to come sit, relax, take a load off. Maybe it's the way a couple of well-placed chairs perfectly complement a long sofa, or the way they fill up those empty spaces in a room. I don't know why, I just really love chairs! (No coincidence that the last post discussing a peaceful life featured a picture of a chair...I didn't even do it consciously but that's how much I respond to chairs.) Anyway, here are a couple of fun chair facts about me:
  • For my 16th birthday, I requested a rocking chair. Nope, not a car, but a chair! I still remember the Sunday afternoon we went to get it. We'd gone to Olive Garden for my birthday meal, then we went to Kittle's and walked around until I found this white wicker rocking chair. I spent many a teenaged hour rocking in that chair and yakking on the phone. That chair knows a lot of secrets...

  • During a stay in Charleston, SC (one of my favorite places in the world), I went antiquing one day alone while Leslie had a shoot. I found these precious little silver Queen Anne chair bookends and immediately grabbed them. When I was purchasing them, I got into a very long conversation with the antique store owner, Barbara (yes, a year later and I still remember her name). That summer happened to be a very difficult time in my life, and Barbara was very encouraging and told me she could see in my eyes that I was a beautiful person, and that happiness would come to me very soon. Well, happiness came to me a couple months after that! Every time I look at these little chair bookends, I think of her and her charming Southern way. The way Southern women can look you in the eye and peg's AMAZING.

  • At my wedding a couple Saturdays back, I insisted on a few bridal portrait shots taken outside under a tree in -- you guessed it -- a chair. I really hope some of those come out nicely!

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't just like "chairs." As with everything else in life, I have specific taste! I like traditional, classic chairs. Chairs that whisper of olde world and Europe, chairs that are comfortable but not crazy. Chairs you can relax in but also show off (just in case Southern Living is begging to photograph your of these days, Becky!).

And how could a girl live a peaceful life without the comfort of a beautiful chair or two?

(caption: beautiful French Country chair available at Pierre


Anonymous said...

You know, I've never actually sat down and thought about chairs before. (Pun intended.) But come to think of it, I have a few favorite chairs of my own. The big red chair in the spare room where I do all of my reading, my new hot pink beach chair that I used in St. Joe a few weeks ago to sit on the beach and do squat for hours on end, your designated chair in our living room. Hmm. . .I like this whole pondering the simple things in life idea.

Becky said...

I love my designated chair. If you ever feel like getting rid of it (for shame!), please let me buy it from you. I've spent much time in that chair and I heart it, too.
I've been thinking about chairs lately because I'm dying to buy some for our living room! Marty has "bachelor" chairs -- you totally know what I mean! They are great chairs, actually -- just not exactly ready for a Southern Living magazine cover shoot...