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Monday, July 28, 2008

So...a peaceful life, you say?

Yes, I say. A great buzzword I hear all the time is "simplicity." I read and hear and see things about living a simpler life. Sounds great, but really, does anyone have a simple life? Does such a thing exist? I don't think so, which is perhaps why we're all keening for it. In the New Testament, Paul says that in whatever state he finds himself in, to be content. Whether he is abased or whether he abounds (I love the alliteration there, go Paul!), he was able to find contentment.

Another way for me to think of contentment is to be at peace. Just yesterday in church, we sang that great hymn, "It Is Well With My Soul." Of course, no one automatically reaches this state of soul-wellness. And to me, this is the very struggle of life. Soul-wellness. Once we have found the purpose and use of our souls in Jesus, we have to then daily strive for soul-wellness. And the end product of soul-wellness? Oh yes, it's a peaceful life. (I'm an English major, I have to button things up in an essay.)

I was just telling my husband yesterday that what I want most for us and our future children is to have a peaceful life, and for that to be manifested in a warm and loving and comfortable home, where both discipline and grace abide. Where husband and wife/mom and dad stay madly in love, where the kiddos know the joy of structure and seasons. Where beauty and elegance abound, where words are respected and well-spoken. Where God's presence is always felt but never forced. Where family and friends are welcomed and cherished. Where evil pauses at the threshold and then retreats. Where peace exists and thrives.

I've had many-a-blog in my day, but I'm finally at a place in life where my journey is not so much a moving target anymore. I embrace this new life, this new calm, this new me, wholeheartedly. In doing so, I want to explore this peaceful life through writing. I hope you enjoy what you read here!

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